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CovidSurg is a platform of studies aimed at investigating the effects of COVID-19 on surgical patients. Now the largest study network in the world, it includes colleagues from every surgical specialty and anaesthesiologists.

Contact national lead: irmgard.kronberger@i-med.ac.at and felix.aiger@bbgraz.at

Publications of the CovidSurg Collaboration can be found >>here!

CovidSurg studies:

CovidSurg - a cohort study aimed at evaluating the outcome of surgery in patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

CovidSurg_Cancer - Austria participated in this global cohort study with 4 teams to evaluate the safety of surgery in cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic and delays in treatment pathways.

GlobalSurg_CovidSurg_Week - Austria participated with over 70 mini-teams in the global prospective study of thousands of surgical patients with or without Sars-CoViD-19 infection - collecting patient data from one week in October and with follow-up after 30 days to determine when patients can best be scheduled for surgery after Covid infection.