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We present the instructional videos about the diagnosis and management of hemorrhoidal disease. 

1. Assoc.-Prof. Stefan Riss talks about the diagnosis of hemorrhoidal disease.

  Video>> Hämorrhoidalleiden-Diagnostik

2. Prof. Felix Aigner talks about the differential diagnosis.,

  Video>> Hämorrhoidalleiden-Dfferentialdiagnose

3. Assoc.-Prof. Stefan Riss talks about the rubber band ligation "How to do it."

  Video>> Hämorrhoidalleiden-Gummibandligatur

4. OÄ Dr. Kira Sorko-Enzfelder talks about the hemorrhoidectomy 

  Video>> Hämorrhoidalleiden-Hämorrhoidektomie

5. OÄ Dr. Ingrid Haunold taks about the HAL-RAR Technique 

  Video>> Hämorrhoidalleiden-HAL/RAR