(Term extended to 3 years)
President: J. Pfeifer (University Hospital Chairman: A. Salat (AKH Vienna)
Vice President: F. Aigner (MUI Innsbruck)
Secretary: I. E. Kronberger (MUI Innsbruck)
Further education consultant: I. Haunold (BHS Vienna)
new: co-opting board members:
'AG Resident Surgeons': A. Zukriegel (Salzburg),
2012: T. Filipitsch (Vienna)
'Inflammatory bowel disease': G. Novi (Vienna),
2012: M. Oberwalder (Innsbruck)
'Functional bowel disease' H. Spielhofer (Feldbach),
2012: C. Kopf (Schärding), S. Riss (Vienna)
'AG colorectal carcinoma': M. Zitt (MUI Innsbruck)
'Public affairs', staffed by European Federation for Colorectal Cancer (EFR) Graz)
Substitute: A. Salat (AKH Vienna)
2nd substitute: A. Heuberger (PMU Salzburg)
Secretary: F. Aigner (MUI Innsbruck)
new 2009: Further training: I. Haunold (BHS Vienna)
2009: Number of members 244 (20.11.2009)
2010: departure of the second substitute